Beras Terbakar Ice Kacang

The day is very hot so we plan to have a drink in Beras Terbakar.. Then we have started a very bad experience from the food stall that just in front of the signboard of Beras Terbakar.. Exspecially for Bonnie and Zhee Chee..

Cendol - No taste of cendol at all.. So bad..

ABC ice kacang- as my colleagues told me is ok but for Zhee Chee is a bad experience because her spoon and ice have extra add-on (dirt) in her ABC.. Geli.....

Bonnie have extra add-on too.. She complain to the boss but the boss said is a small bee, and a lot of small bee at her stall there.. Wah.. We all stop to continue drink the cendol and ABC already.. Do you think pic below is a small bee or a fly ? The boss don't think this is the problem.. Note: Don't drink at there...


ziQi said...

aiyo.. blind one also know is flyyyyyyy la....

Sunnie Chin said...

ya lo.. the boss still said is small bee.. Ask she eat it.. Haha..